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Archive for the ‘Physical Therapy’ Category

What is Degenerative Disc Disease?

Intervertebral Discs The intervertebral discs are localized in between all the vertebrae except for the atlanto–axial and sacral vertebrae. The intervertebral discs function to allow movement of the spine, absorb shock and transmit loads through the vertebral column.    The intervertebral discs undergo wear and tear over time, no matter what we do. What is Degenerative […]

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Physical Therapy BEFORE Your Knee Surgery Can Improve Your Recovery

If you have surgery coming up, you probably have a long list of things to prepare before your operation.  One important thing to add to your list is scheduling an appointment at Physical Therapy Innovations’ Prehab Physical Therapy Program! Did you know that participating in physical therapy before you have knee surgery can have a positive effect on […]

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Overtraining Syndrome for the Athlete

  Overtraining Syndrome is a medical condition which occurs when the athlete’s stress load (exercise) becomes excessive without allowing appropriate recovery periods. Rather than positive adaptations from training, maladaptation occurs resulting in a decline in performance. Causes of Overtraining: Inadequate recovery between training sessions High intensity training over the body’s ability to adapt and recover […]

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Stiff Big Toe AKA Functional Hallux Limitus

Functional Hallux Limitus (FHL) “Stiff Big Toe” Running and walking require a sufficient amount of big toe motion.  Do you have great toe motion? The first toe, also known as the great or big toe, plays a crucial role in balance and locomotion. As you push off your big toe comes up (extends). The extension […]

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Single Leg Roman Dead Lifts….Can You Hold Proper Pelvic Position?

It seems that most people understand the benefits of performing single leg strength and stability drills. In particular, Single-Leg Roman Deadlifts (SL RDLs) are very popular with physical therapists, athletic trainers, personal trainers, as well as gym goers. This exercise is popular for targeting the hamstrings, the gluteal muscles, the gastrocs and ankle stabilizers and […]

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How PTI Can Help You Return to Sport Safer

 Physical Therapy Innovations’ Training Can Help You Return to Sport Have you had an orthopedic injury/surgery such as a knee, shoulder, elbow, or ankle injury?  Did you attend traditional physical therapy, but are not 100% after discharge?  Did your physical therapist provide you with sport specific training to prepare you for return to your sport(s)? […]

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Thoracic Spine Mobility and You

What is the Thoracic Spine? The thoracic spine makes up the middle portion of your spine.  It is responsible for most of your spinal rotation and bending. The ribs and a number of skeletal muscles attach to the thoracic spine to provide stability for your back. Mobility in your thoracic spine is essential for proper […]

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The Serratus Anterior: A Key Player in the Athlete

The serratus anterior (SA) muscle is critical in healthy shoulder function. It is a prime mover and stabilizer of the scapula, contributing to normal scapulohumeral rhythm. The humerus sits within the glenoid fossa of the scapula, forming the glenohumeral joint. The scapula attaches then to the back of the rib cage forming the scapulothoracic joint. […]

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Physical Activity is Safe & Encouraged For Knee Osteoarthritis

Knee osteoarthritis is an extremely common disorder that involves the cartilage in a knee joint. In a normal knee, the ends of each bone are covered by cartilage, a smooth substance that protects the bones from one another and absorbs shock during impact. In knee osteoarthritis, this cartilage becomes stiff and loses its elasticity, which […]

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High Ankle Sprains

  Whether you are playing a sport, out for a run or walk, or just stepped the wrong way, an ankle sprain can happen to anyone.     Most ankle sprains are low ankle injuries or inversion sprains.  These injuries are treated differently than high ankle sprains. High ankle sprains, also known as syndesmosis injuries, […]

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