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Archive for the ‘Physical Therapy’ Category

Are Bone Spurs Causing Your Shoulder Pain?

Bone spurs are small deposits of calcium.  If these bony projections become large enough, they can become painful and result in inflammation as well as cause damage the surrounding tendons and muscles. The medical term for bone spurs is “osteophytes”. Osteophytes are commonly seen in the spine, the heel, and the shoulder. In the shoulder, […]

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Hip Extension: How Important is this Motion and How Do We Measure it Functionally?

Hip Extension: How Important is this Motion and How Do We Measure it Functionally? The majority of us are noting a quad-dominant trend in our patients and athletes. This imbalance is partially due to the lack adequate hip extension. During a recent clinical training session for hip mobilizations, a conversation with our staff led me […]

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Recovering from Hip Impingement

HIP IMPINGEMENT Hip impingement is a painful dysfunction of the hip often cause by biomechanical deficiencies.  It can also be known as FAI (femoral acetabular impingement). Hip impingement is a term used to describe when there is hip pain and dysfunction caused by the ball and socket of the hip joint not working properly.   This […]

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Do You Have to Have an Injury to See a Physical Therapist?

Do You Have to Have an Injury to See a Physical Therapist? No, you don’t have to be injured to see a physical therapist (PT). While a lot of people consult a physical therapist because they have experienced an injury or have had surgery, Physical Therapy is much more than rehabilitating injuries. As movement experts, […]

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Hamstring Strains; What Are They and How Can Physical Therapy Help You Recover

While hamstring strains are common injuries in athletes, you can do things to reduce your risk of suffering from a hamstring injury. What are the hamstrings? The hamstrings are a group of three muscles at the back of the thigh. These muscles help you bend your knee and extend your hip.  They are “two-joint” muscles […]

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Osgood Schlatter’s Disease; How Physical Therapy Can Help You

Has your child been diagnosed with Osgood-Schlatter Disease?  Are they having pain and/or inability to participate in sports or recreation?  We can help! What is Osgood-Schlatter Disease? Osgood-Schlatter Disease (OSD) is a common cause of knee pain seen in growing adolescents.  The term “disease” is misleading since this is not truly a “disease” but rather […]

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Avoiding Injuries in Pickleball

AVOIDING INJURIES IN PICKLEBALL Pickleball has become one of the fastest growing sports in the United States. While pickleball is a safe sport, there are some common injuries that can be prevented with proper preparation. The potential injuries that can occur in the legs or lower back include: Calf strains and tears Ankle sprain Flares […]

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Do You Have a Rotator Cuff Tear That is Keeping You from Doing You?

Rotator cuff tears are common shoulder injuries. They can occur during sport activities, with any strenuous upper-extremity activity, or with falls or trauma. Tears can also be degenerative, occurring over time. Partial vs Complete Tears A partial tear is when one of the muscles that makes up your rotator cuff is worn or damaged. A […]

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Plantar Fasciitis

  Plantar fasciitis (PLAN-tur fas-e-I-tis) is one of the most common causes of heel pain. Plantar fasciitis affects people of all ages, both athletes and nonathletes. Foot anatomy The foot is made up of: 26 bones 30 joints more than 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments These structures work together to provide support, balance, and mobility. […]

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Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury Prevention Program

ACL Injury Risk ACL injuries are common in sports such as basketball, soccer, football, and many other sports. ACL injuries can lead to future problems for young athletes.  Besides the possibility of having to set out an entire season due to surgery and rehabilitation, ACL injuries can impact scholarship opportunities, athletic performance, academic performance, and […]

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