Rhabdomyolysis (pronounced “rab-doe-my-ah-luh-suhs”) is a complex and potentially life-threatening medical condition characterized by the breakdown of skeletal muscle tissue, which can ultimately lead to muscle death. Rhabdomyolysis is frequently referred to as “rhabdo,” a shorthand that is often used in athletic and medical communities to describe this condition quickly and efficiently. This pathological process occurs […]
Baseball, often referred to as America’s pastime, captivates fans with its blend of strategy, skill, and athleticism. At the heart of this game is the baseball throw—a seemingly simple action that, upon closer examination, reveals a complex dance of muscles working in perfect harmony. Understanding this intricate choreography not only deepens our appreciation […]
The big toe, also known as the hallux, plays a crucial role in maintaining balance, generating power during activities such as walking and running, and providing essential support for the arch of the foot. This digit isn’t just a passive structure; it actively contributes to the foot’s overall function and stability. When we […]
While uncommon, injuries to the posterolateral corner (PLC) of the knee can lead to significant and ongoing instability, which may ultimately result in failed anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction if these injuries are not promptly and accurately identified. The posterolateral corner is a complex anatomical region that comprises several critical structures, including ligaments, tendons, and […]
Are You Prescribing Upper Back Strengthening Too Soon? When assessing patients, we frequently uncover imbalances in the strength of their upper back muscles. While it may be tempting to immediately dive into strengthening exercises to rectify these imbalances, it’s vital to first address any underlying issues. This initial process may include recognizing and improving postural […]
To grasp the concept of isometrics, it’s essential to recognize that there are two primary types: Overcoming Isometrics and Yielding Isometrics. We will focus on Overcoming Isometrics in this blog. Overcoming Isometrics (PIMA) Overcoming isometrics is often referred to as PIMA exercises (pushing isometric muscle action). This type of isometric training involves exerting force with […]
Aging, along with certain health conditions and medications, can cause bones to become progressively weak and brittle, leading to a condition known as osteoporosis. Osteoporosis significantly elevates the risk of fractures, which can greatly limit mobility and independence. Individuals affected by osteoporosis are considered at an increased risk of falls and bone fractures. The good […]
Heel pain is a frequently problem, particularly for those who spend extended periods standing, walking, or running. Whether you love running, have to stand for work, or just enjoy leisurely strolls, heel pain can have a considerable impact on your daily life. Understanding possible causes, available treatment options, and preventive measures for heel pain can […]
Do you encounter patients experiencing persistent shoulder pain, limited range of motion, and dysfunction despite your efforts to restore glenohumeral joint mobility, restore anterior chest muscle flexibility, and improve rotator cuff strength? Feeling unsure about the next step? Have you thought about assessing and correcting pelvic alignment to address the issues? Many shoulder dysfunctions are […]
What Are Discs? Intervertebral discs, fibrocartilaginous structures found between adjacent vertebrae, create a joint and link the vertebral bodies together. These discs collectively contribute to about one-third of the vertebral column’s length, providing a buffer between adjacent vertebrae. In total, there are 23 intervertebral discs: 6 cervical, 12 thoracic, and 5 lumbar. The discs are […]