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Archive for the ‘Hip Pain’ Category

The Art of Throwing a Baseball: A Symphony of Muscle Coordination

    Baseball, often referred to as America’s pastime, captivates fans with its blend of strategy, skill, and athleticism. At the heart of this game is the baseball throw—a seemingly simple action that, upon closer examination, reveals a complex dance of muscles working in perfect harmony. Understanding this intricate choreography not only deepens our appreciation […]

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Hip Extension: How Important is this Motion and How Do We Measure it Functionally?

Hip Extension: How Important is this Motion and How Do We Measure it Functionally? The majority of us are noting a quad-dominant trend in our patients and athletes. This imbalance is partially due to the lack adequate hip extension. During a recent clinical training session for hip mobilizations, a conversation with our staff led me […]

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Recovering from Hip Impingement

HIP IMPINGEMENT Hip impingement is a painful dysfunction of the hip often cause by biomechanical deficiencies.  It can also be known as FAI (femoral acetabular impingement). Hip impingement is a term used to describe when there is hip pain and dysfunction caused by the ball and socket of the hip joint not working properly.   This […]

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