The big toe, also known as the hallux, plays a crucial role in maintaining balance, generating power during activities such as walking and running, and providing essential support for the arch of the foot. This digit isn’t just a passive structure; it actively contributes to the foot’s overall function and stability. When we […]
Are You Prescribing Upper Back Strengthening Too Soon? When assessing patients, we frequently uncover imbalances in the strength of their upper back muscles. While it may be tempting to immediately dive into strengthening exercises to rectify these imbalances, it’s vital to first address any underlying issues. This initial process may include recognizing and improving postural […]
Aging, along with certain health conditions and medications, can cause bones to become progressively weak and brittle, leading to a condition known as osteoporosis. Osteoporosis significantly elevates the risk of fractures, which can greatly limit mobility and independence. Individuals affected by osteoporosis are considered at an increased risk of falls and bone fractures. The good […]
What Are Discs? Intervertebral discs, fibrocartilaginous structures found between adjacent vertebrae, create a joint and link the vertebral bodies together. These discs collectively contribute to about one-third of the vertebral column’s length, providing a buffer between adjacent vertebrae. In total, there are 23 intervertebral discs: 6 cervical, 12 thoracic, and 5 lumbar. The discs are […]
Hip Extension: How Important is this Motion and How Do We Measure it Functionally? The majority of us are noting a quad-dominant trend in our patients and athletes. This imbalance is partially due to the lack adequate hip extension. During a recent clinical training session for hip mobilizations, a conversation with our staff led me […]
Do You Have to Have an Injury to See a Physical Therapist? No, you don’t have to be injured to see a physical therapist (PT). While a lot of people consult a physical therapist because they have experienced an injury or have had surgery, Physical Therapy is much more than rehabilitating injuries. As movement experts, […]
AVOIDING INJURIES IN PICKLEBALL Pickleball has become one of the fastest growing sports in the United States. While pickleball is a safe sport, there are some common injuries that can be prevented with proper preparation. The potential injuries that can occur in the legs or lower back include: Calf strains and tears Ankle sprain Flares […]
Intervertebral Discs The intervertebral discs are localized in between all the vertebrae except for the atlanto–axial and sacral vertebrae. The intervertebral discs function to allow movement of the spine, absorb shock and transmit loads through the vertebral column. The intervertebral discs undergo wear and tear over time, no matter what we do. What is Degenerative […]
What is the Thoracic Spine? The thoracic spine makes up the middle portion of your spine. It is responsible for most of your spinal rotation and bending. The ribs and a number of skeletal muscles attach to the thoracic spine to provide stability for your back. Mobility in your thoracic spine is essential for proper […]