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Overtraining Syndrome for the Athlete


Overtraining Syndrome is a medical condition which occurs when the athlete’s stress load (exercise) becomes excessive without allowing appropriate recovery periods. Rather than positive adaptations from training, maladaptation occurs resulting in a decline in performance.

Causes of Overtraining:

  • Inadequate recovery between training sessions
  • High intensity training over the body’s ability to adapt and recover
  • Sudden/drastic increases in distance, length, or intensity of exercise routines
  • Daily intense weightlifting
  • High volumes of endurance training
  • Lack of breaks
  • High levels of competition while not allowing adaptation
  • Inadequate nutrition
  • Poor sleep hygiene





Workouts place stress on the systems of the body.  The rest and recovery following exercise allow for repair of damaged muscles and restoration of hormone levels. Rest and recovery are an important part of any exercise program; allowing the body time to repair and strengthen between workouts.

So remember to allow time for recovery.  The regeneration that occurs during this break will allow you to see better results from your training and avoid injury, excessive fatigue, and lack of motivation to perform.

A physical therapist is a great source for developing a customized training plan that includes the perfect balance of exercise, rest and recovery, and nutrition to achieve your goals.

Call us today to schedule an appointment!






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